Visionary Guidance and Transformational Practices for the Embodiment of Light

I’m still sitting with a communication I had with my dad on Father’s Day. He is no longer of this earth but he occasionally drops into my awareness. It was that Sunday. Mark and I went up to our favorite spot in the mountains. We drove half way up and parked the car then started the very steep hike up to our intended destination—a grove of pine trees.

At the half way point, you can go left to go to a mountain overlook or to one of the lower valley cabins. Since I was out of breath and felt like I needed a break, I asked Mark about going to the overlook first. We both took the left and headed down the mountain path where we settled onto a huge rock face. He settled some distance away in the shade while I enjoyed the warmth of the sun.

At some point, while I was in meditation, I looked up and saw two hawks swirling on the updraft of an air current above my head. That’s when I felt my father’s presence. I was just taking in the peaceful surroundings when I heard the words, “things are not what they seem.”

It was simple and clear. Things are not what they seem. I inwardly scanned back to what I had been focused on in the moment right before that communication. I had not been going deep into any one specific thought.

Then Mark came and joined me. By this time the hawks were swirling tighter above our heads. We were transfixed. I told him about my father’s words, and wondered exactly what Dad had meant from his more expanded perspective.

As we wound our way back up the steep mountain trail and hiked toward our favorite cabin to take a rest on the shaded deck, my father’s presence stayed with me. I kept thinking about what that statement meant.

What I got is this: to soften my focus on what might bring me down and open my heart to recognize that there is so much more to any given story or life experience than meets the eye; don’t take things so personally, as in there’s more to any happening than what I perceive from my limited perspective (so true!); to lead with compassion and acceptance; don’t hold onto anything—in short, stay open and in the moment.

Later as we left the mountain and headed toward home, I felt that I had been given a great gift. I could also sense that in the years since Dad’s passing, HIS presence is softer, more open, expanded; he has more of the bigger picture than when he was on earth. I could also feel that he was pleased with how our family, as a whole, has softened. There was great love in his presence. I sensed that he was happy, especially, that my Mom is so loved by everyone she’s connected to.

I communicate with others’ loved ones on the other side as a part of my soul coaching practice all the time, and after 35 years of mind-bending experiences with Spirit, it’s no surprise when this kind of thing happens but it’s always thought provoking.

Invariably, if someone has lost a loved one, and especially if they have unfinished business, they will ask if I can communicate with them. All it takes is hearing them say their loved one’s first name and Voila! I follow the intention of the sound and the communication link is established. I can usually see where they are and how they are. If the soul can see that I can see THEM, they are usually surprised. They are ALWAYS surrounded by angelic beings that amplify overwhelming LOVE toward them, especially while they adjust to where they are.

I think that’s the beauty of the spoken word. Words are very powerful because they carry vast consciousness packets of information well beyond what is said. It took me years to understand how I could hear, louder, what someone was thinking and feeling, truly, than what they were outwardly portraying with their words. I would find myself speaking to their thoughts more than their words, which got me into trouble on more than a few occasions.

Our thoughts and words are very powerful.

It brings great understanding to others when solving long held hurt or relationship puzzles. The perspectives from these loved ones are always so different from where they were then and how they perceive their reality and loved ones now. I feel so honored to have a front row seat to this way of learning.

I received a great gift from my Father on Sunday, and most certainly not in the way I would have anticipated honoring him. Love ya, Dad!

Knowing that most of you in my spiritual community are keenly intuitive, are you finding your intuitive knowing heightened? I know my senses are.

I have no filter on how my heart perceives love. When I feel love in someone’s sharing, my heart opens wide. It’s a mechanical fluttering or flush of energy. I believe this is the very fabric of the universe. Love is truly all there is.

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