Visionary Guidance and Transformational Practices for the Embodiment of Light

Posts tagged ‘personal transformation’

Relationship Right for You?

Are you in a romantic relationship or stepping in that direction? It’s a really wonderful feeling. To want to be near and dear to someone is simply the best until, that is, the lower personality issues start flowing forth. Sometimes that unsettled feeling happens in little ways. Sometimes in bigger, not so pleasant ways. Clashes happen. That’s life. But how do you know, really know, if you are about to take the leap of faith into the heart of who you are, that it’s the ultimate right aligned relationship?

I get this question put to me practically everyday. Each person and every relationship is unique. But taking that leap–from mind to heart–can sometimes feel like the road trip that will never happen.

The answer I found myself giving someone recently was: Will you ever know if you continue to stand back and watch?

Of course there are more specific signals if that special someone is for you but that’s for another time. For more personal transformational tools join us for the New Earth Grid series, free webcasts on a variety of topics each month.

All you need to do is go to the Sustainable Oneness homepage and join the mailing list. It’s free!

The next webcast is on the topic is: Live Your Best Life 2014.

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