Visionary Guidance and Transformational Practices for the Embodiment of Light

Archive for the ‘Heart Intelligence’ Category

A Gift of Spirit Communication

I’m still sitting with a communication I had with my dad on Father’s Day. He is no longer of this earth but he occasionally drops into my awareness. It was that Sunday. Mark and I went up to our favorite spot in the mountains. We drove half way up and parked the car then started the very steep hike up to our intended destination—a grove of pine trees.

At the half way point, you can go left to go to a mountain overlook or to one of the lower valley cabins. Since I was out of breath and felt like I needed a break, I asked Mark about going to the overlook first. We both took the left and headed down the mountain path where we settled onto a huge rock face. He settled some distance away in the shade while I enjoyed the warmth of the sun.

At some point, while I was in meditation, I looked up and saw two hawks swirling on the updraft of an air current above my head. That’s when I felt my father’s presence. I was just taking in the peaceful surroundings when I heard the words, “things are not what they seem.”

It was simple and clear. Things are not what they seem. I inwardly scanned back to what I had been focused on in the moment right before that communication. I had not been going deep into any one specific thought.

Then Mark came and joined me. By this time the hawks were swirling tighter above our heads. We were transfixed. I told him about my father’s words, and wondered exactly what Dad had meant from his more expanded perspective.

As we wound our way back up the steep mountain trail and hiked toward our favorite cabin to take a rest on the shaded deck, my father’s presence stayed with me. I kept thinking about what that statement meant.

What I got is this: to soften my focus on what might bring me down and open my heart to recognize that there is so much more to any given story or life experience than meets the eye; don’t take things so personally, as in there’s more to any happening than what I perceive from my limited perspective (so true!); to lead with compassion and acceptance; don’t hold onto anything—in short, stay open and in the moment.

Later as we left the mountain and headed toward home, I felt that I had been given a great gift. I could also sense that in the years since Dad’s passing, HIS presence is softer, more open, expanded; he has more of the bigger picture than when he was on earth. I could also feel that he was pleased with how our family, as a whole, has softened. There was great love in his presence. I sensed that he was happy, especially, that my Mom is so loved by everyone she’s connected to.

I communicate with others’ loved ones on the other side as a part of my soul coaching practice all the time, and after 35 years of mind-bending experiences with Spirit, it’s no surprise when this kind of thing happens but it’s always thought provoking.

Invariably, if someone has lost a loved one, and especially if they have unfinished business, they will ask if I can communicate with them. All it takes is hearing them say their loved one’s first name and Voila! I follow the intention of the sound and the communication link is established. I can usually see where they are and how they are. If the soul can see that I can see THEM, they are usually surprised. They are ALWAYS surrounded by angelic beings that amplify overwhelming LOVE toward them, especially while they adjust to where they are.

I think that’s the beauty of the spoken word. Words are very powerful because they carry vast consciousness packets of information well beyond what is said. It took me years to understand how I could hear, louder, what someone was thinking and feeling, truly, than what they were outwardly portraying with their words. I would find myself speaking to their thoughts more than their words, which got me into trouble on more than a few occasions.

Our thoughts and words are very powerful.

It brings great understanding to others when solving long held hurt or relationship puzzles. The perspectives from these loved ones are always so different from where they were then and how they perceive their reality and loved ones now. I feel so honored to have a front row seat to this way of learning.

I received a great gift from my Father on Sunday, and most certainly not in the way I would have anticipated honoring him. Love ya, Dad!

Knowing that most of you in my spiritual community are keenly intuitive, are you finding your intuitive knowing heightened? I know my senses are.

I have no filter on how my heart perceives love. When I feel love in someone’s sharing, my heart opens wide. It’s a mechanical fluttering or flush of energy. I believe this is the very fabric of the universe. Love is truly all there is.

The New Earth Template

During our meditation this morning, and later in the day during the private session work, the messages landed in clearly and reassuringly. The star elders, ascended masters, and angelic beings continue to tell us, show us and steam energy through us to deliver the message, “It is time. It is THE time. It is now. The vibrational support, complete with all that is needed to manifest your heart’s desire, has arrived.”

They continue to instruct us, “The new earth template is anchored into the current grid system. Accept. Allow. Manifest. Manifest as we become the embodiment of our heart’s desire. Let go of yearning. That is the old way of plugging into the control programming. It is now dissolving.”

How much more simple and clear can it get? Yet so many of us (including me in specs of my life) continue to question. We look at the reflection of our current reality and ask, “How can this be? How can I shift this reality as I interact and try to influence a direction or an outcome? How do I solve this puzzle or make it better?”

The answer does not come from what is around us or from others. The shift comes from the light that ignites the knowing from deep within us. It is our energetic connection with the very Source of our creation that ignites the internal shift. It’s the being part that we might be quick to gloss over.

Life on the planet is amazing, and the natural world offers us a reflection of the pranic force that flows through all cycles of life. Once we recognize that everything is in flow, we can relax into the knowing that our heart’s desire is manifesting in the right and perfect sequence.

There is no need to push for or against anything. This lighter softer feeling requires us to use our more subtle higher senses. Allow for the flow to show us the way. The way may not show up as a physical manifestation but follow it anyway. Trust the inner feeling of the guidance.

We have been programmed to believe in an artificial flow, one that controls then works to influence our every thought and movement.  It’s time to unplug from the more control matrix, the one that find us doubting our inner knowing.

The message is clear: Allow our hearts and minds to soar above the frey. It’s time to stop looking down at what ails us and  to, instead, look up. We are to take up our rightful place, as divine beings of light, as embodied ones, in this higher vibrational consciousness grid and manifest from this vantage point. As we do, we are to dance and play in the higher  realms, and create a new form of freedom in all manners of beingness on the planet.

Embodiment is the new normal for any being of light. It’s not only what we know but who we truly are. Just allow our imagination to be our guide.

Be. Do. Embody. Manifest.

Joyously so,


Ascension Codes Dissolve the Mind

Ever since the New Mexico retreat late last month, I’ve been in a no-mind space. I hear but nothing sticks for long. The first weekend home, I also received a very big hit to the head by a log being thrown my way by a fellow community member just trying to be helpful. It really hurt but I was also not looking up when he said, “catch.”

After lots of TLC in the form of ice, energy work, cranial sacral and a chiropractic adjustment, my head feels quite fine, but my blissed out heart is still not registering the details. It’s like I’m in a bathtub submerged under the warm water. It feels really good here and I don’t want to re-emerge. I’ve left my mind in New Mexico, or at least dropped all that pre-occupation with the day-to-day details of what used to concern me. I feel liberated from the stress that comes from inner worry. And I’m sleeping like that log that hit my head too. It must have been all that great shadow release work we did, or the side splitting laughing as we did our work.

This is all the say that I am experiencing the benefits of the downloading of those ascension codes that the Star Elders so clearly showed us how and what to do to get them into our embodied state. As a collective effort, we anchored a pillar of light that appeared to be a new soul template for earth beings. We humans are accustomed to pushing the mind to do it the hard way, but there are many other ways to live without the element of struggle.

Once we got settled back in from the trip home, both Mark and I knew right away that we wanted to stay in this energy field AND to share it with our soul family here on the east coast.

If you are within driving distance to Fredericksburg, VA, consider yourself invited.

We’re just planning on taking the deep dive once again, and allowing ourselves to be guided. No mind, just heart-centered awareness here. The Star Elders have been so present in all that we are led to do, I can’t imagine this calling being any different. There is so much support for those wishing to download those ascension codes and embody the Light that we are.

If you are free Memorial Day weekend, we’d love to see you. Learn more here: 

And if you’d like to learn more about what really happened in New Mexico, complete with space ship, read the accounting from one of the participants’ perspectives here:

Trust the Knowing

It’s an amazing moment when you miraculously transcend fear and feel only peace, that bedrock kind of peace that carries you onward in the face of the impossible—peace when you are being told by those logical others—others with the science behind the facts to back them up that what you feel is wrong.

As you stand firm in peace and move forward, even before the facts catch up to tell you a different outcome, that you were right, trusting the knowing is a feeling worth remembering.

There is Only Love: A Learning About Spiritual Suicide

“We have come to you many times before, and have told you that you shall not fail.” This is the voice of the higher dimensional beings, the angelic guides who so love humanity. They understand how challenging this earthen plane can be. They understand that we sometimes forget just how much we are so loved and honored by our creator.

We can say that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that all is truly well. But what happens when really bad stuff starts happening in your life? What then? What do you do when someone you have so loved and honored is suddenly your arch enemy?

The pain of such an upset is real yet the soul is always in charge of the flow of light that creates our reality. There is only love here even when we do not feel, see, or experience that. There is only love even when we are experiencing any great challenge that has us believing otherwise. The pain is real yet the love is there also forever propelling us toward our ultimate goal: to open to a greater expansion to understand this very basic truth.

If we can remember that as we are moving through these very intense and life altering challenges, the pain subsides and as it does, love grows.

The story below is about what it means to fall so far off center that you forget who you are. Yet, as drastic as this story may sound as the ultimate control drama, it’s also a story of how love is forever present even when we believe otherwise.

A Story of Spiritual Suicide: 

Spiritual SuicideThis is a story, a story of a man who so loves a woman that he has a child with the love of his life. He loves his wife as he so adores and honors his daughter. His wife becomes discontent. She decides that she is not worthy of his love, and the jealousy that sets in extends to her daughter. Each time her husband shares his love and care with their daughter, she tightens the noose to shut him out of his parental right to nurture his child.

She sets into motion an emotional bond with her parents, who over the years, have moved into their lives as permanent fixtures in their home. Over time she begins to put them in the place of her husband. Because he so loves her, he goes with the flow of her desires and honors her desire to meld her emotional needs into the help of her parents.

At some point he decides that the boundaries between her parents and his desire to be in relationship with his wife and his daughter must be rebalanced.

He so loves his wife that he says, let’s be together more, and together with them in the midst of our day-to-day reality less.

She braces against his desire and decides to create a wedge between him and her parents. She creates a scenario that he does not love her, and tells them that he wants them out of their lives. In retaliation for him wanting to have his home life back, she creates a scenario that their daughter also rejects his love and keeps her from him however she can. She sings the song to her husband, a song of distancing and alienating their daughter from him.

She sends her husband away and tells him to go find your happiness.

He says to her, “but my happiness is with you and our daughter.”

She says, “No. Go find yourself. Go and stay as long as you wish.”

He says to her, “Okay, I will go, if you want me to and will come back to you and our daughter. I love you.”

And so he goes.

As soon as he is gone, she steps into sever her ties to her husband. She secures her place in the new family order: Her parents, her daughter and herself, and tightens the circle to include only their friends that serve to reinforce this reality. She clears out the marital bank accounts and unilaterally moves to secure all the family assets. She continues to tell her husband to stay away as long as he wishes. She is banking on longer so that she can legally say that he has abandoned the family.

But he says, “I love you and miss you and our daughter,” and so he returns over the objections of his wife.

He returns to a hostile wife. On the day he arrives, she has set up a sacred ceremony to rededicate the home to her new order, her new reality, of family. She tells a story to her friends and daughter about her husband, and in the way that paints him as the Villain. She tells her husband, “No don’t come home. You are not welcome here.”

She puts his belongings outside the house and tells him to come and get them or she will give them all away.

Above the voices of agitation by his wife and her parents, he comes to the home with the protection of law enforcement and exercises his right to enter his home. A week goes by and the hostile voices of the three against the one ring with the den of hatred and malice.

Then one day, he demands that the madness, the bitterness toward him, the grabbing of their shared assets, and legal documents stop. He and his wife meet so that she can return all the documents from his business and other properties that she has taken to copy.

Now they meet in the very home they have so lovingly built together to face off. Both are filming one another and the accusations fly back and forth. He goes to leave. As he bends down to get his papers, his father in-law jumps onto his back and strangles him to the point that he feels that he is about to die.

As his father-in-law is trying to kill him, struggles to break free. He yells, “Stop! He’s killing me.”

He feels his mother-in-law grab his feet while his wife jumps on his back and grabs his arms. His wife, the woman he so loves, yells at her father, “Papa, papa stop!” Then she screams out, again to her father, “Grab his phone!”

His father-in-law lets go of the choke hold he has on his throat and grabs his phone to destroy the evidence of what has just occurred. He smashes it against the floor.

As the son-in-law gets his phone away and back in his hand, he runs from the house. As he is leaving in shock, he hears his wife call 911 and reports that there has been an assault. He hears his wife telling the dispatcher, “He’s wearing a white shirt and black pants and fleeing the house now.”

She tells the lie.

His beautiful wife, the woman that he has built his life with, is telling the police dispatcher that it was not her father who tried to kill her husband but her husband who has harmed her father.

Then she retells the lie.

She tells her friends who rally around her the same story with gusto.

Then another lie.

She files a restraining order against him. “He’s violent,” she tells the police. She wants to keep him away to create the illusion that he cannot be trusted around her, her parents or their daughter.

Then it goes from there.

The plan is nearly in place. Get him convicted of an assault charge and tell everyone she needs to convince that her husband has anger issues and is violent. The goal is to get him barred from their home, their daughter and all their friends to protect the LIES she has now told all who need to believe her to accomplish her goal.

Her goal is to keep her daughter for herself. “All mine,” she says to herself.

But there is just one thing: The evidence of what occurred is all in the phone.

Will she reach her goal or has she committed spiritual suicide?

Regardless of how the evidence of what actually occurred comes forward, the truth always comes out. Remember Watergate? Clinton and Lewinsky? Edward Snowden’s truth bomb about the NSA? Those are the larger more fantastic illusions and lies that eventually got uncovered but the day-to-day reality of trying to hoard love by fearing loss happens every day. The courts are filled with cases where people have maliciously set out to harm others, or lie their way toward achieving their goals. These are the ones who hold such a belief that fear is stronger than love.

Given that we, in this physical reality learn through archetypal living, who is the villain and the victim here? You might think the villain is the father-in-law but think again. Do you believe the husband is the victim? Look more closely. There is also a hero hiding somewhere in the mix.

Who is the villain in the above story?
The husband?
The wife?
The father and the mother?
The daughter?

Who is the victim?
The husband?
The wife?
The Father and the Mother?
The daughter?

The villain is the Wife, not because she no longer wishes to be married. Nor is it because she grabbed at all the assets or just wanted to recreate her family by cutting her husband out of her life. It was because she lied. She not only told the lie again and again but consciously set out to harm her husband for the express purpose of  legally keeping their daughter all to herself.

“All mine” is her motto and at whatever cost to her integrity.

She believes that she has shot a straight arrow to his heart and to secure her ultimate goal but she’s about to find out that she has actually thrown a boomerang.

He will survive and rebuild his life as he keeps his heart open and remembers that he is loved by his creator. But the one who is the victim is the Daughter.

The Daughter is the victim because she is being alienated from her father. She is being taught by her mother that fear is stronger than love, and before the boomerang strikes the mother, she will believe that her father is the Villain. But after she finds out that it was her beloved grandparents and mother who harmed her father, she may just decide that she cannot trust others at all, which would be the real tragedy in this sad tale.

And what about all those friends who have jumped in to take sides? What role are they playing in all of this? Do they, too, have the same lesson as the Villain, the Victim or is there a Hero somewhere in the mix?

The Hero is the one who stands up and speaks Truth to the Villain with compassion and clarity and puts a stop to the illusion and the LIE. The role of a True Friend is that of a hero, one who recognizes that we are here to help one another. We can all get off track from time to time as fear over takes us.

Have you ever compromised your integrity and told a lie to hurt someone? What would you do to recover from spiritual suicide? Would you have the courage to become the Hero and speak your truth with love and compassion to someone who has just become a Villain and is consciously and maliciously harming another?

At the end of the cycle of any control drama, and after all the pain and suffering, Love is the healer and the way to transform. Remember that Love is all there is and is the redeemer no matter how you have committed spiritual suicide.  Any time you or someone you love forgets, just remind them to wake-up and be the hero. Help them to remember who they are.

Are You Experiencing Chaos?

Activation of Soul level Aawareness

Activation of Higher Awareness

We are moving through the crest of the wave, a great wave pattern formed from high frequencies of light, creation particles entering into the planetary grid. This frequency is propelling us for ever upward in our awareness. Our spiritual DNA comprises the very instructional codes for higher vibrational living and it’s the light body that integrates these energies into the embodied state. 

With all this activation, many of us are dredging up or getting ensnared in old control dramas.

If you are surrendering to any kind of manipulation or control, no matter how subtle or in your face dramatic, the learning is to step away or stand firm, depending on your particular learning pattern. If you have allowed others to control your life, now is the time to know that you are to take a stand in the face of adversity. If you have been the controller and have sacrificed your integrity by bullying others or outright lying to yourself and others to win at all costs, then you need to realign with your integrity and drop back into the stillness. Align with the truth of who you are.

This is one of the most critical times in the transition cycles of our time and whatever you are setting into motion right now will come back to either delight and amaze you, or put you in a perpetual loop of insanity.

This new frequency is creating a waveform that uplifts us and motivates us to more fully align with the truth of who we are. To remain in the stillness, the zero point of this waveform, is joyful and propels us into bliss. 

Tools for moving the energy: If you find distortion in your energy field or are experiencing distress, drop into the stillness. Find your center and know that, as you do, the answers are all right there just under the surface of all that chaos. Be still. Be purposeful. Hold your center. Whatever chaotic pattern you are attempting to unravel, bringing calm and peace to your emotions will help to find clarity.

This is the time to take the lead from nature. Set aside time in your day to walk, to be, to be still, to dance, or just observe nature. There is much knowing and wisdom to be gleaned as you drop into the stillness and listen.

Love and Honor

Valentine's Day: Love and honor

Love is who you are. You can’t give what you don’t have.

Love and honor are constant reminders by those who guide us. These are the angelic beings, star elders, ascended masters and a whole host of others who show up and remind us of who we truly are. Even with all our questing, in all the variations on the same theme, they tell us (and show us with feeling) that we are loved beyond anything that we can imagine.

Tomorrow is a special day because it is a direct reminder that we are the very essence of Love. If you have someone in your life to share those wondrous feelings of who you are with, great! You cannot feel or give anything to another if it’s not already a part of who you are. I invite you to take a quiet moment and feel that light of love within you in the context of your very own self.

The guides have said our purpose is to be happy, and our path is to be who we are. This sounds so strange in the context of a doing world but if you ask most people in the last five minutes of their lives what they have done, they are focused on how open they were to love and to be loved.

Ultimately it comes down to our willingness to embody that which we are. It’s nice to have that feeling of belonging and connection reflected back to us, but the inner glow of Source light within us, we find ourselves constantly looking to be validated by others.

In honor of the day set aside to celebrate Love, you are invited to attend an afternoon with the Guides fon this very topic. We’ll be meeting tomorrow, February 14th from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm here in Fredericksburg, VA. We’ll begin with a message, followed by question and answer and group sharing. For those of you who have been here before, we’ll be at the Cabin. For those who need an address, send us an email for directions

Blessings to you, and Love that open heart of yours.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

Carol Fitzpatrick, Channel, Empathic Intuitive, Guide

Center for Planetary Awakening

A Story of Connection and Synchronicity

The universe is totally connected through the heart-to-heart connections we make in our lives.

The universe is totally connected through the heart-to-heart connections we make in our lives.

I’ve have been working on a very big puzzle, the fulfillment of a vision that anchored into my heart and soul in mid-2009. As I look back, the transformation began much earlier but it was in that particular moment in time when the course of my life was radically altered.

It took the form of a clarion call to anchor light into energetically significant locations around the world. The call to rally—at first—sent a wave of fear through our close-knit group. Then we recovered and realized that the Divine within us would never prompt us to take on such an enormous undertaking if we were not already inherently prepared.

This anchoring has taken form as 32 Global Light Centers, or Centers of Light. There have been many visioning sessions since that first clarion call and a plethora of activation trips that, at times, felt more like an adult kind of cosmic Disney World than anything found in 3D reality.

This mission is Spirit led, which makes this story about connection and synchronicity so remarkable. I have come to learn that I am always divinely guided. I just need to show up and be willing to step into co-creation with the Divine and receive the gifts that are right there in front of me but just a step outside of my awareness. As I take the most immediate next step (the action that is most aligned with the heart of who I am, as I sense and feel the way ahead, it’s the joy that adds the proof. I am suddenly in the right place at the right time, and I am always delightfully surprised by what the Divine has led me to discover.

This entire project has been this way. I’m beginning to feel that it is my training wheels for how to live my life. Very early on, in our visioning meetings, I had been shown bio-spheric domes, multi-sided circular built structures, spread over vast regions as cities of the future. When we first began formulating the strategic plan, I researched these types of structures, and even found a few.

Over time, I realized that the bio-spheric domes I’d seen in my visions are actually created by intentionally created sound. Sound creates a harmonic, which forms a vibrational field of resonance. That field is sustained by people who amplify the frequency through the purity of their own hearts. We, after all, are walking, talking energy fields.

Early on I was also shown beings, star elders, standing among us inside these domes. They were loving us, teaching us, imparting valuable real world knowledge to us—just as someone would be standing teaching, sharing, instructing in the physical. No matter how real the vision, I could not, for the life of me, fathom how that would come about or when. Outside wondering about how the most basic elements were to manifest, this has been the most thought provoking part of the entire puzzle, until this most recent discovery.

I know, too, to recognize when I am in the cosmic flow after taking that most aligned step. This kind of quickening occurs when I am in the midst of making yet another incredible connection. It’s proof that there is a huge force of light that is guiding me toward a new piece of the puzzle.

For over a year before this latest discovery, I’d been feeling like I was marching in place. There was just no real energy flow. There were even times when I began to wonder if I’d been led astray or was just too shut down to see or hear the way ahead. Overall, it felt like the entire global out-picturing was, on some level, rearranging in some cosmic way.

The jumpstart that set so much more intensity and awareness into motion happened so unexpectedly, and with such a force, that it was hard not to miss it, but at first I did.

The jumpstart of this particular puzzle piece began less than a month ago but got its start with a heart-to heart connection that began sometime in 2005. I met a read headed Goddess, a healer, entrepreneur, fellow adventurer and light being named Terri M. She used to come to the Living the Miracle (LtM), personal transformational workshops that my husband Mark and I facilitated in Fredericksburg, VA. In 2012, we stopped hosting the LtMs for a time in favor of focusing on the global activation work.

Terri moved away but kept in touch. In 2013, she invited us to come and do an evening program at a friend’s house in Northern Virginia. There, I met a few of her friends, women who were a part of an organization called WOW (Women of Wisdom). Their founder, Donna Cary, felt compelled to call forth the women in her community and Terri was one that heard that call.

Fast forward to Spring 2014, Spirit guided me to go meet Donna. She was ministering at a local Unity here in Fredericksburg, so off I went. After that introduction, I received a flurry of emails from her. Invitations and a call to come and attend a summer picnic then a Fall retreat.

By late September, I found myself sitting right at the deadline of making the decision to attend. I submitted my workshop and activation descriptions but some part of me was still resisting the impulse to go. I could not, for the life of me, figure out why. I could clearly see the line of connection that led up to that moment of choice, but was waivering.

I did a final check-in, and in meditation, I could feel my young eight year old self, with all the weirdness of youth insecurity, putting up a wall of resistance. Once I understood what was actually holding me back, I registered and hit the send button. Weeks later, there I was at a beautiful retreat center in northern Virginia for three and a half days of programs and activities.

From out of the blue, during the Friday morning shamanic journey, I was quietly sitting in the stillness. Out of nowhere, I felt a succession of energetic bolts of lightening like energy push through the top of my head and pierce through my body. The frequency hit like a jack hammer trying to break up cement. Each wave was sharp and so intense that it caused my spine to arch forward. The tears flowed. It all felt other worldly as the consciousness bounced through my body.

After years of experiencing all kinds of electric-like intensity, I should not be surprised when this happens, but I am. I used to ask a gazillion questions of every master teacher that I came into contact with (What is this? Why is it happening? How can I get it to stop?). I’ve learned, over time, that it’s just energy, grace, life force coursing through the body and is to be honored for what it is—pure consciousness. I have come to simply allow for how my body processes the dramatic shifts and have learned to accept whatever is happening in the moment. This was no different.

As the facilitator called us all to get up and begin moving about, the thought of doing so seemed a bit odd and out of place given what I was in the midst of experiencing, but it was exactly the right thing to do.  I found myself in a sea of graceful movement as all the women in the circle inter-mingled gently swaying to the live music and connecting to one another as they held flowers in their hands, symbols of their shamanic journeys. It was a beautiful heart-centered experience and by the close of the circle, I was feeling almost back to “normal” and functional.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with a different kind of flow. It was my turn to facilitate an afternoon workshop for deepening one’s connection with the Source of who we are, which kept me in a kind of angelic field of light.

By the time I got into the space of the evening program, right before it was my turn to walk folks through a Light Activation, my insecure eight year old self had fully resurfaced. I was suddenly feeling nervous and out of sorts. But the fear had no room to stay. As I opened to hear, sense and watch as the Angelic Beings did their magic, I felt an enormous flood of Light gracing us with their presence.

On Saturday morning, I awoke and felt as though my body starting from the top of my head had been slammed up against a brick wall. I wasn’t sure I even wanted to join the day’s activities, but I did.

During the morning circle, a soul sister came over and sat next to me. We exchanged greetings and from that moment on, I knew that no matter how awful I felt, I needed to pay attention. Spirit was guiding me to understand something about her life path and how we were to connect.

It was just a short time later that I discovered who this amazing Light being actually is. In another life time, she was a high priestess, and now, she has incarnated to serve as an inter-dimensional grid activator. Our meeting and coming together during a guided one-on-one healing exchange that morning was profound. I gave her the information that she needed to complete her cosmic date with destiny and she gave me the gift of affirmation. I left that experience with a renewed sense of optimism for what was to come.

As an aside, any inter-dimensional grid worker will tell you that it takes great faith to follow one’s inner guidance—to go and do the things that matter as guided by an unseen voice or knowing—is a solo adventure even as you feel totally loved, honored and supported by the Divine. It’s tough to explain to someone who would only think you are crazy. So, to find someone who totally gets it, is exciting.


Dana Dewdrop: “A team of physicists detected an energy beam coming through the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The radius of the beam is 4.5 meters with the frequency of 28 kHz. The beam is continuous and its strength grows as it move up and away the from the pyramid. This phenomenon contradicts the known laws of physics and technology.” Photo found on

This whole grid activation work is a whole other level of  deep listening. One person activates the inter-dimensional grid and the next downloads the light codes into the planetary grid. What’s within one soul, as a unique energy system, once aligned within the context of a geographic grid point or a set of intersecting lei lines, activates the entire grid. It’s as if we are all working this huge mosaic of inner planetary grid lines as we activate and anchor pure consciousness for balancing and harmonizing the whole.

Some of the ancient temples are being activated now, too, which are part of a much larger complex system. This grid, when activated,  allows the rest of us full access to the ancient wisdom, star technologies and free energy solutions needed as new souls incarnate.

Grid activators and anchors of light need only show up with an open heart. They have all the light codes within them to activate these grid points, and when they do, they send their unique frequency imprint through this ancient temple system. All of humanity receives the wisdom. It’s incredible to realize that we, in our embodied states, are uniquely called to work this huge cosmic puzzle together.

Back to the story: As excited as I was to have met a fellow grid activator, by early-afternoon, the energy was streaming through me so intensely that I was not only physically hurting but also feeling emotionally scrubbed out. Knowing that two house guests would be arriving just a few short hours after my arrival home on Sunday, I started to wonder if the better choice was to leave early and regroup before they arrived.

I decided in favor of resting in my room then grounding next to a grandfather tree just steps outside the backdoor of the retreat house. Then I found my way to the healing room and sought out the much needed support from the beautiful souls who were selflessly gifting their time to help others. I left the healing room, still feeling shaky but more balanced. The energy in the body no longer felt so pressurized and was starting to integrate.

Fast forward into Sunday afternoon. Just two hours after I got home, our two friends arrived. I felt peaceful and happy to see them. We quickly settled into the flow of catching up over a meal but I was still not fully balanced. I noticed any kind of sound was met with irritation.

After we settled into the comfort of the living room, my husband Mark was sitting beside me as we talked. He looked like he had fallen asleep but was instead deep into the energy as he held a 20-sided crystal that our friend Lucy had brought from Iowa.

While he continued his inward experience, our other friend Sheryl must have recognized just how uncomfortable I was because, at some point, she got up from the couch and walked across the room. She stood behind me with her hands first on my head then on my shoulders to get me grounded. Lucy sat on the floor in front of me and held my feet. As they did their work, I could feel those now familiar electric jolts, sharp waves of light that first bounced through my body on Friday morning suddenly calm into a peaceful flow.

Once we settled back into our visit, that same electric-like current started pulsing through Lucy.  I quickly realized that we all needed to integrate this energy into our systems.

Mark and Sheryl held sacred space for Lucy to integrate the energy. Then Lucy and Mark held space for Sheryl. I was standing back and sensing the amplification of the field. We all settled in again and I was back to sitting beside Mark with that crystal in his hand. The energy amped up again. But this time I could feel the energy was coming from the crystal.

After pointing that observation out, Mark put the stone in my right hand. The moment it made contact with the palm of my hand, I felt that sharp electrical-like current, and at the same time, my awareness traveled to a group of inter-galactic beings. I could sense and feel their presence but their star lineage was fairly unfamiliar to me.

On some real level, I just knew that once I put the crystal in the palm of my left hand, I would begin to feel more balanced. The moment the crystal made contact with my left palm, I was immediately transported to a crystalline chamber where beings (these beings felt very familiar to me) explained those big missing pieces of the puzzle to me. The information we received that evening left us giddy and deeply grateful.

Platonic Solids

When I think back to how magical it is when we recognize one another as we are deeply listening to Divine guidance, and how seemingly separate events, once all strung together, lead us to such a life altering moment. It truly takes my breath away.

To receive the gift of such a huge piece of this global puzzle was tremendously exciting yet I know now that this kind of synchronicity does not happen without the heart-to-heart connections that occur as others are listening too.

I would LOVE to hear your story of synchronicity as you are aligning with your calling. What story of this kind of spirit-led magic has or is happening in your life?

If you’d like to learn more about our global mission, or to see if this is your calling too, follow the link below.

Allowing Love to Be the Guide

Energy is powerful. It’s not who you are but what you do with what flows forth. Allow for love in all ways of being without fear—and as you do, know that all is truly well.

As someone who feels the influxes and flows of the planetary grid in the body, I have come to understand the ascension process through the pulses of electrical current in the body. The intensified field of inter-galactic grid is causing a spike in the planetary grid system causing our bodies, minds and emotions to feel amped up. The wave form acts as a kind of crescendo causing us sleepless nights and emotional upsets. We’re at the crest of the wave now and only need to “do” one thing.

It’s an intense time that calls for full-on allowing without concern or care of what this electrical energy wave is for or even means. It’s all transformation and by keeping the mind soft and staying open, we are allowing for a greater capacity of high frequencies of light flow through us. The emphasis is on through. If we are trying to stop the flow even by judging what might be, we are causing the current to electrify and build up in areas of the body needlessly so. This greater flow of higher frequency serves as a transformational agent for the Light that we are to embody in the physical.

Wisdom Sharing:  Channeling of LIght

Wisdom Sharing: Channeling of LIght

What Does it Mean to Be A Channel?

Angelic Beings are here to help us move from fear-based beliefs and living to joy-filled lives.

Angelic Beings are here to help us move from fear-based beliefs and living to joy-filled lives.

First, thank you ahead of time for bearing with me as I attempt my very first Livestream video blog. As much as I appreciate the medium, it’s still pretty daughting. My intention is to provide a way to interact with those who are spread all over the world, a way that we can stay connected and interact. the more that we help one another to grow into the light that we truly are, the greater the light quotient the rest of the world can hold, and so it grows.

August: This month’s session is a 14 minute sharing about the difference between serving as a channel as opposed to a psychic, and how you can hone your intuitive skills.

To access the LiveStream Video, click here:

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